Swipe to navigate. Jump to front. Auto-delete. Organizing is overrated.
Beautifully plain text. Formatting and indents are stripped on paste. Leave out the distractions.
Auto-shrink links with smart endings - expand and edit with ease. ⌘⏎ to open. Keep things clean.
Descriptive math with context. Keep yourself sane.
Instantly convert distances, weights, and currencies - including crypto. For all kinds of dreams.
Variables. Build custom calculators in seconds. Skip the spreadsheet and explore the multiverse.
Make a list. Check it off with a keyword.
Activate anytime with ⌥A. Access in the dock or menu bar, and pin to top when needed.
Need to do more? Instantly send to Apple Notes, Obsidian, and Bear. Or export it as a txt.
Sum and average numbers. Count items, lines, words, and reading ease. Search.
Swipe to navigate. Jump to front. Auto-delete. Organizing is overrated.