Updated for v1.1.1
Global Hotkey
Design Intent: Minimize time-to-start-note and any mental friction associated with it.
- The Global Hotkey will show Antinote even when you’re actively focused on another app.
- It requires Antinote to be running.
- Customize in settings.
- ⌥ + A Global Hotkey - Show/Hide Antinote
Link Shortening
Design Intent: Ruthlessly eliminate all unnecessary information on screen, but maintain original user input.
Antinote automatically shortens URLs so they don’t take up as much space. This shortening is only visual and the full URL exists in the notes data - when you highlight and copy a shortened URL, the full URL text is sent to the clipboard.
- Open the URL in your browser with ⌘ + Click
- Expand the shortened URL with ⌘ + Shift + Click. This will allow you to edit the URL text. Expanded links stay expanded until you manually shorten them again with ⌘ + Shift + Click
- When you copy a shortened URL, the full URL is sent to the clipboard
- URLs will only shorten after your text cursor leaves it
- Duplicate URLs will have a “[#]” appended to them
- ⌘ + Click Open link in browser
- ⌘ + Shift + Click Expand / Shorten link
Design Intent: Only add text to the clipboard that’s useful to external apps.
- Keywords (e.g. “math”, “list”) at the top of the note is not copied to the clipboard. Note that optional titles (e.g. “math: My Optional Title”) will be included (e.g. “My Optional Title”).
- In lists, the symbols you use to check off items (eg. “/x”) are not copied to the clipboard.
- Shortened links are always expanded when copied to the clipboard.
Design Intent: Pasted content should never need manual adjustments.
- Formatting is stripped.
- Bullets and numbered lists are stripped.
- Leading and trailing spaces on each line are stripped.
- Markdown can be optionally stripped.
- Empty lines can be optionally stripped.
Design Intent: Focus each note to do a single, often repeated, use case. Replace the need to open over-powered apps (eg. Excel, Google Docs, Obsidian).
Keywords can be typed in the first line of any note to activate special powers in that note. For example, typing “list” at the top of the note will turn every subsequent line into a list item.
Optional title with keyword
You can add a title beside the keyword using a colon.
list: Today's Tasks
Customize keywords
- In settings you can change the keyword for any function to whatever you want (eg. “todo” or “items”)
- You can have multiple keywords activate the same function.
todo: Today's Tasks
Slash command to quickly see keywords
- Type “/“ as the first character of any line and all the main keywords will appear. While you can have many typed keywords activate the same function, you can only have one 'main' keyword, which will be pasted with the slash command.
- You can auto paste one by pressing the corresponding number.
- If there is an existing keyword, it will be replaced.
Design Intent: Never manage checkbox placement or orphaned checkboxes. No unnecessary mouse clicks. For small quick lists you’ll never need again.
- Type the word “list” at the top of your note to activate list features.
- Every non-empty line will automatically become a checklist item.
- Type the “check” trigger (e.g. “/x”) at the end of any line to check it.
- Note that math and conversions do not work in lists.
Design Intent: Make everyday quick calculations. Skip an overpowered spreadsheet.
- Type the word “math” at the top of your note to activate math features.
- Or type “/“ at the beginning of any new line, and then choose “math”.
- You can title a math note with: “math: Your Title”
- Adding “=“ to the end of any line will attempt a calculation.
- Words, punctuations, and currency symbols, are stripped out.
- Valid operators include: +-*xX/÷^**()
- Advanced features include: !!!√16∛8sqrt(16)log(355)log2(355)ceil(12.256)floor(12.256)
- At the moment, we do not support conversions in a calculation (e.g. 5cm to inches * 5 =)
- We support regions where the period is used as a thousands separators and the comma is used as a decimal separator (e.g. 1.000,25).
- At the moment, we do not support regions where the space is used as a thousands separators (e.g. 1 000,25).
Currency Conversions
- Use the following format to convert currencies: 10 USD to JPY = 1,492.84 JPY
- Currency rates are updated every day.
- If you use your currency symbol without a currency code, we will assume your primary currency: $10 to JPY = 1,492.84 JPY
- If you do not put any conversion target, and we will assume you want to convert your primary currency to your secondary currency: $10 = 14.00 CAD
- We support the following primary currency symbols: $€£¥₹₽₩₺₫฿₴₦₲₵₡₭₾₱₪₸
- At the moment, we do not support conversions in a calculation (e.g. $10 USD to CAD + 5 =)
Measurement Conversions
- Use the following format to convert measurements: 10" to cm = 25.40 cm
- We support the following distance units and formats: mmetermetremetersmetrescmcentimetercentimetrecentimeterscentimetreskmkilometerkilometrekilometerskilometresininchinches"″ftfootfeet'′milemilesmiyardyardsyd
- We support the following distance units and formats: mmetermetremetersmetrescmcentimetercentimetrecentimeterscentimetreskmkilometerkilometrekilometerskilometresininchinches"″ftfootfeet'′milemilesmiyardyardsyd
- We support the following area units and formats: sqmm²sq msquare metersquare meterssq meterssq metersquare msqcmcm²sq cmsquare centimetersquare centimeterssq centimeterssq centimetersquare cmsqmmmm²sq mmsquare millimetersquare millimeterssq millimeterssq millimetersquare mmhahectarehectaressqkmkm²sq kmsquare kilometersquare kilometerssq kilometerssq kilometersquare kmsqftft²sq ftsquare footsquare feetsq feetsq footsquare ftsqinin²sq insquare inchsquare inchessq inchessq inchsquare insqydyd²sq ydsquare yardsquare yardssq yardssq yardsquare ydsqmimi²sq misquare milesquare milessq milessq milesquare miacreacresarearesdunamdunamsdonumdonumstsubo坪坪数tsubosping坪pyeong坪数pingspyongbighabighascuerdacuerdasroodroodsperchperchessectionsectionstownshiptownships
- We support the following volume units and formats: literLLslitreliterslitresmillilitermLmLsmilliliterscubicMeterm³cubic metercubic meterscubicCentimetercm³cubic centimetercubic centimeterscccubic cmcubicMillimetermm³cubic millimetercubic millimeterscubic mmgallongalgalsgallonsus gallonus gallonsquartqtqtsquartspintptptspintscupcupsfluidOuncefl ozfl ozsfluid ouncefluid ouncesfloztablespoontbsptbspstablespoonsteaspoontsptspsteaspoonscubicInchin³cubic inchcubic inchescu incubicFootft³cubic footcubic feetcu ftcubicYardyd³cubic yardcubic yardscu ydukGallonUK galimperial gallonuk gallonuk gallonsimperial gallonsukQuartUK qtimperial quartuk quartuk quartsimperial quartsukPintUK ptimperial pintuk pintuk pintsimperial pintsukCupUK cupimperial cupuk cupuk cupsimperial cupsukFluidOunceUK fl ozimperial fluid ounceuk fluid ounceuk fluid ouncesimperial fluid ouncesukTablespoonUK tbspimperial tablespoonuk tablespoonuk tablespoonsimperial tablespoonsukTeaspoonUK tspimperial teaspoonuk teaspoonuk teaspoonsimperial teaspoons
- We support the following mass units and formats: kilogramkgkgskilogramsgramggramsgsmilligrammgmilligramsmgsmicrogramµgmicrogramsugmcgmetric tonttonnetonnesmetric tonspoundlblbspoundsounceozouncesozsstoneststonestonshort tonus tonus tonstonsshort tonslong tonuk tonimperial tonimperial tonslong tons
- We support the following temperature units and formats: celsius°CCcentigradedegrees Celsiusdegrees CkelvinKkelvinsdegrees Kfahrenheit°FFdegrees Fahrenheitdegrees F
- At the moment, we do not support conversions in a calculation (e.g. 10 ft to m + 5 =)
number of guests : 9
number of guests + 1 = 10.00
number of guests + 1 = 10.00
table width : 58 cm to in = 22 13/16"
table width = 22.81
table width = 22.81
cost in CAD : 50 USD to CAD
cost in CAD CAD to USD = 50.00 USD
cost in CAD CAD to USD = 50.00 USD
- Type the word “sum” at the top of your note to activate. Antinote will try to find all the individual numbers in your note.
- All non numbers, punctuations and symbols are stripped out.
- At the moment, fractions are not supported and will lead to incorrect answers (eg. 1 1/4 eggs)
- Type the word “avg” at the top of your note to activate. Antinote will try to find the average of all the numbers in your note.
- All non numbers, punctuations and symbols are stripped out.
- At the moment, fractions are not supported and will lead to incorrect answers (eg. 1 1/4 eggs)
- Type the word “count” at the top of your note to activate.
- Item: Every non-empty line, not including the first line, is counted.
- Reading Ease: I learned while making Antinote that everyone uses a slightly different formula to estimate syllable count, and thus Grade Level and Reading Ease scores will vary depending on what app you use.
Design Intent: If necessary, offer a way to locate an old note. Also use this area for basic note management.
Antinote is meant for temporary notes, so storing, organizing, and searching features will continue to be barebones.
- When nothing is in search, all notes will be shown.
- When a search term is entered, Antinote will only show notes that contain that search term.
- ⌘ + F Search notes
Screenshot to Text
Design Intent: Instantly work with complexly formatted text in images.
- Drag (or paste) an image into Antinote to convert it to plain text.
- Leverages macOS's native Apple Vision and does not use any server / internet connection.
- Only supports JPG, JPEG, PNG, and static GIF files.
Design Intent: Eliminate repetitive ⌘+Tab / ⌘+V.
- Type
and then press enter to start AutoPaste mode. - In AutoPaste, any text copied to the clipboard will be automatically pasted into the document as plain text.
- By default each item is separated by a new line. You can change this by adding a delimiter like
paste(, )
orpaste( | )
. - Press Esc or type "paste" again to turn it off. You can also click the blinking AutoPaste icon.
Design Intent: Set a subtle but informative timer the moment you realize you need one.
- Type "timer" at the beginning of a note to see the tutorial
- Unlike Keywords, Timer commands can activated at the beginning of any new line.
- "timer" - Starts a stopwatch
- "timer 3.5" / "timer 3:30" - Starts a countdown timer for 3.5 minutes
- "timer 5 1" - Starts a pomodoro timer with 5 minutes of work and 1 minute of rest
- "timer pomo" - Starts a standard pomodoro of 25 mins / 5 mins
- "timer p" - Pause / Resume timer
- "timer r" - Restart current timer
- "timer s" / "timer 0" - Stop timer
- You can also click the timer to pause, or double-click it to stop.
Color Themes
Design Intent: Offer beautiful themes inspired by my childhood.
- Choose a theme in Settings > Visuals.
- Choose a theme for light mode and dark mode by clicking on the Sun and Moon icons.
Paper Types
Design Intent: Bring some of the charm from the world of Japanese and Korean stationary.
- Choose a theme in Settings > Visuals.
- Note that line spacing for lists when using lined paper differ than when using blank paper.
Text Size
- Choose a text size in Settings > Visuals.
- ⌘ + Increase text size
- ⌘ - Decrease text size
App Management
Design Intent: Slot seamlessly into optimized workflows. Don’t take up more space than needed.
Pin Antinote to top
- This will pin the Antinote window above other windows.
- Currently does not support full screen mode.
- ⌘ + P Pin/Unpin Antinote to Top
Close and open window
- Close the window using ⌘ + W
- Hide/Show using ⌘ + O, toggling the Global hotkey (⌥ + A), or clicking the button in the status menu. If you use multiple spaces, Antinote will appear on the currently active space.
- ⌘ + W Close window
- ⌘ + O Hide/Show while Antinote is focused
- ⌥ + A Hide/Show anytime - Global Hotkey
Dock + Menu Bar
- You can show Antinote in your Dock, Status Menu, both, or neither.
- If it shows neither in the status menu or dock, it will only be accessible via the Global Shortcut, or a launcher (eg. Spotlight, Alfred, Raycast).
- Using the app in [neither] mode will also prevent the system menu from showing up. Though all system menu options are accessible via the app UI.
- At the moment, going full screen when using [neither] mode will lead to a bug where you can't un-fullscreen the window.
(BETA) Traditional Menu Bar with Dropdown Note + fullscreen support
- This mode will put Antinote in the traditional menu bar with a note that drops down from the icon.
- This dropdown will appear fullscreen notes.
Notes Management
Design Intent: Encourage notes to be temporary and ephemeral. Minimize the cognitive load of choosing what to keep or delete.
Notes Storage
- Notes are stored locally in a SQLite databases locate at: ~/Library/Containers/Antinote/Data/Documents/notes.sqlite3
- They are never sent to a server.
- They can be exported individually or in bulk for import into another app.
Expiring Notes
- Notes that have not been modified for some time will auto-delete.
Design Intent: Make it as easy as possible to collaborate with other note apps to encourage permanent note-taking elsewhere. Antinote should be a companion to them, not competition.
Quick export
- One-click export or send to your dedicated notes app.
- Defaults to exporting as txt.
- ⌘ + S Quick export
Export to Plain Text
- Allows you to save the note as a .txt file.
Export to Markdown
- Allows you to save the note as a .md file.
Send to Obsidian
- Uses URL Schemes to create a note in Obisidan.
- You can specify which vault you want the note in.
Send to Bear
- Uses URL Schemes to create a note in Bear.
Send to Apple Notes
- Uses Apple Shortcuts to launch Notes and add the content. Shortcuts should automatically close afterwards.
- You can download the premade Antinote Shortcut in settings, or here.
Export all notes
- Will export all notes as a .zip of .txts
- On second launch, Antinote will ask you if you want to auto-check for updates.
- You can manually check for updates in the settings.
- Found a bug or want a feature? Join our Discord.
Usage Activity
- On first launch, Antinote will ask if you want to send anonymous usage data to help improve my ego the app.
- You can turn this off (as well as every network call) in settings.
- Usage activity includes: Used Antinote, features used, personalization choices, and tutorial views.
- Usage data is stored in Amplitude and is not connected to any license keys or other identifiable information.